Hello, I have a table that has several inherited sub-tables with a partition constraint restriction. All the sub-tables have the same structure and they are used to distribute load, each sub-table has typically more than 6million records. When I try to issue a I receive aALTER TABLE <tablename> ALTER COLUMN <columnname> TYPE VARCHAR(16); ERROR: constraint must be added to child tables too The main table, which has no data in it, has a constraint: "<constraintname>" CHECK (<columnname> IS NULL OR "substring"(<columnname>::text, '^[a-zA-Z0-9_,. -]*$'::text) IS NOT NULL AND "substring"(<columnname>::text, '^[a-zA-Z0-9_,. -]*$'::text) = <columnname>::text) This same constraint is on the subtables since they are created with: CREATE TABLE <subtablename> (LIKE <tablename> INCLUDING ALL);ALTER TABLE <subtablename> INHERIT <tablename>; My question is:
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