the drop function works when running from a pgAdmin III Sql window but when I try to do from the command line and script it: psql -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -d $PGDATABASE -U $PGUSER -c "drop function ...." the above fails. It does however work with functions with no params or a single param. It seems to get hung up on the comma and the extra set of parenthesis On 11/15/2011 5:01 PM, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote: On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:38:20 -0700 "J.V." <jvsrvcs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:How do I drop a function that was created like so: create or replace function process_table (action TEXT, v_table_name varchar(100)) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE .... BEGIN ... END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; --- I have tried various ways, but it always fails. J.V.test=# begin; create or replace function process_table ( action TEXT, v_table_name varchar(100) ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN return true; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; drop function process_table ( action TEXT, v_table_name varchar(100) ); commit; BEGIN CREATE FUNCTION DROP FUNCTION COMMIT test=# Repeat just the input parameters. |