On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 4:18 AM, Raghavendra <raghavendra.rao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Respected,All the time we see 'idle in transaction' in pg_stat_activity and dig details with process pid from pg_logs for the query,query execution time etc..Instead of searching with process pid, am trying to pull the information with shell scripting for lines prefixed with 'idle in transaction' in pg_logs line.With log_line_prefix %i option I can see logs are prefixing 'idle in transaction'.log_line_prefix = '%m-%u@%d-[%x]-%p-%i'Case 1: [ log_min_duration_statement = 0, log_statement='all', log_duration=off or log_duration=on ]In logs:2011-10-05 18:28:22.028 IST-postgres@postgres-[0]-22398-idle LOG: statement: begin;2011-10-05 18:28:22.029 IST-postgres@postgres-[0]-22398-BEGIN LOG: duration: 0.703 ms2011-10-05 18:28:39.847 IST-postgres@postgres-[0]-22398-idle in transaction LOG: statement: insert into abc VALUES (11);2011-10-05 18:28:39.848 IST-postgres@postgres-[682]-22398-INSERT LOG: duration: 0.474 ms2011-10-05 18:29:00.591 IST-postgres@postgres-[682]-22398-idle in transaction LOG: statement: end;2011-10-05 18:29:00.595 IST-postgres@postgres-[0]-22398-COMMIT LOG: duration: 3.216 msCase 2: [ log_min_duration_statement = -1, log_statement='all', log_duration=off ]In logs:2011-10-05 18:20:04.612 IST-postgres@postgres-[0]-22398-idle LOG: statement: begin;2011-10-05 18:20:15.922 IST-postgres@postgres-[0]-22398-idle in transaction LOG: statement: insert into abc VALUES (10);2011-10-05 18:20:27.633 IST-postgres@postgres-[681]-22398-idle in transaction LOG: statement: end;Sample transaction did twice with above changes to log parameters:postgres=# begin;BEGINpostgres=# insert into abc VALUES (11);INSERT 0 1postgres=# end;COMMITQuestion:1. Is it a standard behavior in Case 1, that every transaction will write two lines in logs ? (i.e., if log_statement='all' and log_duration=on and log_min_duration=0 and log_statement='all')2. I used %x in log_line_prefix to get transaction id, but I see transaction-id written in logs only when its committed. You can see in both the cases. Why its not written at first occurrence ?Thanks in Advance.---Regards,RaghavendraEnterpriseDB Corporation
Am using PG 9.0.1