yes, this is on windows.
Currently removing the data directory and the postgresql user is not
optional. It fails and does not remove those two items.
There must be 30+ registry keys still there as well.
What I am looking to do is to delete any registry entry:
- that has a data value matching the pattern '*postgres*'
- that has a directory value matching the pattern
- that has a key name matching the pattern '*postgres*'
On 11/10/2011 2:36 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
11/10/11 1:30 PM, J.V. wrote:
Can anyone get me started on where to
checkout the postgreSQL installer code and fix it so that it is
no longer broken? I may need to ask a few questions so if I can
be put in touch with the uninstaller team, would really like to
get this fixed and go back and patch everything from 8.4
forwards so that it is fixed.
are you talking about the MS Windows installer from
EnterpriseDB? about the only clue was the mention in passing of
deleting the postgresql 'data' directory and the postgres user
account should be optional.