Thank you for the response... to be perfectly honest, I don't know enough to know what I'm not telling you. Below is the string I use to create the table, so you can see the contents. I don't think I have foreign key references or triggers of any kind. Any ideas? (this is 8.3 running on Mac OS 10.7) Thanks again, Eric [tableString setString:@""]; [tableString appendString:@"create table images (\"imageID\" varchar(11) primary key,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"patientID\" varchar(11) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"layoutID\" varchar(11) null,"]; for( iTooth = 0; iTooth < 33; iTooth++ ){ [tableString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"tooth_%d varchar(1) default 0,",iTooth]]; } [tableString appendString:@"\"pixelsWide\" varchar(4) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"pixelsHigh\" varchar(4) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"bytesPerPixel\" varchar(1) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"imageData\" bytea null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"filePath\" varchar(256) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"orientation char(1) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"sequence char(2) null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"genericInfo\" varchar(65536),"]; [tableString appendString:@"time time null,"]; [tableString appendString:@"\"saveState\" varchar(1) default \'0\',"]; [tableString appendString:@"date date null)"]; On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Tom Lane wrote: