Hello, How can I check that? Should I do any configurations in ident server? Thanks and Regards, Deepthi From: ext Magnus Hagander [mailto:magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Monday, October 24, 2011, Prakash, Deepthi (NSN - IN/Bangalore) wrote: Hello, I am using Postgresql 8.3, I am getting the below authentication exceptions. I am not able to connect using postgres://mpp:mpp@localhost/mpp LOG: provided username (mpp) and authenticated username ([U2FsdGVkX1/4XrEZ3dfREbh66kqWj66oEZjvotlVtqo=]) don't match FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "mpp" LOG: provided username (mpp) and authenticated username ([U2FsdGVkX19aYlj8eW0BPmAZ4Loziuy64Urcd4ZhMOg=]) don't match This indicate that your auth server returned userid "[U2FsdGVkX19aYlj8eW0BPmAZ4Loziuy64Urcd4ZhMOg=]", which is obviously incorrect. Are you by any chance running with some sort of encryption/hashing in the ident server? That's not supported with PostgreSQL. If not that, then I'm not sure exactly what it could be - but it's obvious that your ident server is reporting an incorrect username, so you'll need to investigate that one.