Em 19-10-2011 15:08, Raymond O'Donnell escreveu:
On 19/10/2011 07:26, Mamatha_Kagathi_Chan@xxxxxxxx wrote:Hi, I have installed psqlODBC and I can see the dll files in the bin folder. But what shall I do next to connect My ASP page? Please help.I moved away from ASP a long time ago, so memory is rusty, but here goes: (i) Go to the ODBC data sources manager (under Administrative tools on my Windows 7 laptop) As far as I know, it must be an "System DNS"...(ii) Create a new data source, using the PostgreSQL ODBC driver. Also, you shall not use 32 bit driver on 64bit OS. If you need to do so, then you should use the ODBCADM.exe that can be found on System/WOW64 folder (or something similar). Good luck, Edson. (iii) In your ASP page, do something like: dim conn set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "DSN=your_data_source_name" This is using classic ASP, mind you, not ASP.NET - the latter may be different. Ray. --