On 9/6/2011 12:39 PM, Gauthier, Dave wrote:
If I have a table that has 2 records which are identical with regard to
all their column values, is there a way to delete one of them, leaving
one remaining? Is there some unique record_id key of some sort I can use
for somethign like this?
Thanks in Advance!
Not easily that I know of. I have two thoughts:
create table junk (like orig);
insert into junk select distinct from orig;
delete from orig where exists(select from junk);
insert into orig select * from junk;
alter table orig add uid integer;
create sequence bob;
update orig set uid = nextval('bob');
drop sequence bob;
-- magic to delet using uid
Ah, Thom just answered. I like his better, but I'll post this just for
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