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Re: Dump large DB and restore it after all.

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On 5/07/2011 5:00 PM, Condor wrote:
Hello ppl,
can I ask how to dump large DB ?
Same as a smaller database: using pg_dump . Why are you trying to split 
your dumps into 1GB files? What does that gain you?
Are you using some kind of old file system and operating system that 
cannot handle files bigger than 2GB? If so, I'd be pretty worried about 
running a database server on it.
As for gzip: gzip is almost perfectly safe. The only downside with gzip 
is that a corrupted block in the file (due to a hard 
disk/dvd/memory/tape error or whatever) makes the rest of the file, 
after the corrupted block, unreadable. Since you shouldn't be storing 
your backups on anything that might get corrupted blocks, that should 
not be a problem. If you are worried about that, you're better off still 
using gzip and using an ECC coding system like par2 to allow recovery 
from bad blocks. The gzipd dump plus the par2 file will be smaller than 
the uncompressed dump, and give you much better protection against 
errors than an uncompressed dump will.
To learn more about par2, go here:

Craig Ringer

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