As I understand things, roles are not
specific to databases. In PGAdmin, when I connect to a server, I see five
collections of objects: databases, tablespaces, jobs, group roles, and login roles.
Roles are separate from databases. So, for a given server, login and group
roles apply to all databases on that server. Roles can be exported using pg_dump’s
“global” option, which I think is “-g”. Check the help
for pg_dump. Good luck! RobR, whose advice may well be worth what
you have paid for it. From:
pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of salah jubeh Hello, I have
two databases, I need to insure that both databases has the same roles.
tables, schemas, views must have the same permissions and privileges. you can
say and Identical clones. I can synchronize the roles using these statements SELECT DISTINCT 'CREATE USER '||usename||';' FROM pg_user;
However, How can I synchronize the privileges that are assigned to the database
entities i.e. schemas , tables, and views. |