OpenSuse 11.4 x86-64 gmake install builds and places the requisite pieces as expected. Running psql --username postgres -d postgres -f xml2--1.0,sql results in psql:xml2--1.0.sql:8: ERROR: function "xml_valid" already exists with same argument types(This from second run, so xml_valid worked the first time). I see that the xml2.control file defines module_pathname = '$libdir/pgxml', but how is that passed to the psql run? Or am I to manually update the sql scripts? . Here's my configuration of the main build ./configure --with-libraries=/usr/local/lib --with-python --with-openssl --with-ldap --with-ossp-uuid --with-libxml --with-libxslt --enable-debug --prefix=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.1 Haven't gone into uuid stuff yet... Cheers, |