Hello, I am trying to move few objects to postgres from oracle. I have an issue with a trigger, which has a merge inside? Here is my code: BEGIN MERGE INTO Requests r using
(select new.web_form_id web_form_id,
new.form_type form_type,
new.submit_date submit_date,
new.email email,
new.custom_fields custom_fields from
on (r.request_id =
new.web_form_id) when
not matched THEN insert
( r.request_id, r.form_type, r.submit_date, r.request_email, r.request_description
) values
w.custom_fields ) when
matched then update
set form_type
= NVL (w.form_type, r.form_type), submit_date
= NVL (w.submit_date, r.submit_date), request_email
= NVL (w.email, r.request_email), request_description
= NVL (w.custom_fields, r.request_description); end
if; END; I receive an error – “Requests is not a known
variable, Line 3: MERGE INTO Requests r” But “Requests” is a table is not a variable! What is wrong with my statement? May be Merge is not legal
in postgres trigger functions? What would be the way around? Thank you, Leon leon.match@xxxxxxxxxxxxx |