On 7/06/2011 8:32 AM, Steve Crawford wrote:
I am working on my final 7.4 -> 9.0 upgrade. Data-type (auto-coalesce
and foreign-key), query and encoding issues are resolved. Dump/restore
is tested. But...
I have a few old client systems that are difficult/infeasible to update.
I know the recommended procedure is to update clients ahead of server
but what problems am I likely to encounter connecting to a 9.0 server
from a 7.4 client?
Reliance on implicit casts to/from text in queries may be a problem.
You could also have issues if the clients rely on metadata obtained from
the database - for example, enumerating columns in a table or listing
tables. I know this has been an issue when using older JDBC drivers
against newer servers, and wouldn't be too surprised if similar issues
existed with libpq.
Craig Ringer
Tech-related writing at http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/
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