Hi, We have certain types of query that seems to take about 900ms to run according to postgres logs. When I try to run the same query via command line with "EXPLAIN ANALYZE", the query finishes very quickly. What should I do to try to learn more about why it is running slowly? The query is a bit complex, as it is generated by code, but I tried to format it for easier reading. I've also replaced actual data with fake data to protected personal information. EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT lm.lead_id as leadId, lm.reporting_date as createdDay, lrd.processing_state as processingState, lrd.dealer_code as dealerCode FROM lead_matching lm inner join lead_reporting_data lrd on lrd.lead_id = lm.lead_id WHERE ((lm.reporting_date >= '2011-04-05') AND (lm.reporting_date <= '2011-05-05') AND (lrd.dealer_region = 'SO') AND (lrd.dealer_area = '02') AND (lm.lead_id < 2645059) AND (lrd.processing_state <> 'REJECTED') AND ((lrd.processing_state = 'NEW') OR (lrd.processing_state = 'PROCESSING') OR (lrd.processing_state = 'DELIVER') OR (lrd.processing_state = 'DELIVERED') OR (lrd.processing_state = 'DONE') OR (lrd.processing_state = 'ERROR')) AND ((lm.customer_phone && '{5555555555}') OR (lm.customer_email && '{lisasmith@xxxxxxxxxxx}') OR ((lm.customer_lname = 'smith') AND (lm.customer_postal_code && '{4444,4444}') AND ((lm.customer_fname = 'l') OR (lm.customer_address && '{3333,3333}'))))) ORDER BY lm.reporting_date asc, lrd.lead_id asc Sort (cost=17382.02..17382.06 rows=16 width=31) (actual time=54.762..54.762 rows=0 loops=1) Sort Key: lm.reporting_date, lrd.lead_id Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB -> Nested Loop (cost=3070.50..17381.70 rows=16 width=31) (actual time=54.749..54.749 rows=0 loops=1) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on lead_matching lm (cost=3070.50..7256.87 rows=1157 width=12) (actual time=54.746..54.746 rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (((customer_phone && '{5555555555}'::text[]) OR (customer_email && '{lisasmith@xxxxxxxxxxx}'::text[]) OR ((customer_lname)::text = 'smith'::text)) AND (reporting_date >= '2011-04-05'::date) AND (reporting_date <= '2011-05-05'::date)) Filter: ((lead_id < 2645059) AND ((customer_phone && '{5555555555}'::text[]) OR (customer_email && '{lisasmith@xxxxxxxxxxx}'::text[]) OR (((customer_lname)::text = 'smith'::text) AND (customer_postal_code && '{4444,4444}'::text[]) AND ((customer_fname = 'l'::bpchar) OR (customer_address && '{3333,3333}'::text[]))))) -> BitmapAnd (cost=3070.50..3070.50 rows=1164 width=0) (actual time=54.358..54.358 rows=0 loops=1) -> BitmapOr (cost=649.49..649.49 rows=26456 width=0) (actual time=0.814..0.814 rows=0 loops=1) -> Bitmap Index Scan on lead_matching_phone_idx (cost=0.00..315.54 rows=13182 width=0) (actual time=0.055..0.055 rows=4 loops=1) Index Cond: (customer_phone && '{5555555555}'::text[]) -> Bitmap Index Scan on lead_matching_email_idx (cost=0.00..327.57 rows=13182 width=0) (actual time=0.029..0.029 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (customer_email && '{lisasmith@xxxxxxxxxxx}'::text[]) -> Bitmap Index Scan on lead_matching_name_idx (cost=0.00..5.51 rows=92 width=0) (actual time=0.726..0.726 rows=1225 loops=1) Index Cond: ((customer_lname)::text = 'smith'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on lead_matching_reporting_date_idx (cost=0.00..2420.48 rows=116019 width=0) (actual time=52.931..52.931 rows=114892 loops=1) Index Cond: ((reporting_date >= '2011-04-05'::date) AND (reporting_date <= '2011-05-05'::date)) -> Index Scan using lead_reporting_data_pkey on lead_reporting_data lrd (cost=0.00..8.74 rows=1 width=19) (never executed) Index Cond: (lrd.lead_id = lm.lead_id) Filter: (((lrd.processing_state)::text <> 'REJECTED'::text) AND ((lrd.dealer_region)::text = 'SO'::text) AND ((lrd.dealer_area)::text = '02'::text) AND (((lrd.processing_state)::text = 'NEW'::text) OR ((lrd.processing_state)::text = 'PROCESSING'::text) OR ((lrd.processing_state)::text = 'DELIVER'::text) OR ((lrd.processing_state)::text = 'DELIVERED'::text) OR ((lrd.processing_state)::text = 'DONE'::text) OR ((lrd.processing_state)::text = 'ERROR'::text))) The lead_matching and lead_reporting_data table both contain 2637054 records. They look like: Table "public.lead_matching" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------------+------------------------+----------- lead_id | bigint | not null reporting_date | date | customer_fname | character(1) | customer_lname | character varying(128) | customer_postal_code | text[] | customer_email | text[] | customer_phone | text[] | customer_address | text[] | dealer_group | character varying(16) | Indexes: "lead_matching_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lead_id) "lead_matching_address_idx" gin (customer_address) "lead_matching_customer_postal_code_idx" btree (customer_postal_code) WHERE reporting_date >= '2011-02-01'::date "lead_matching_email_idx" gin (customer_email) "lead_matching_name_idx" btree (customer_lname, customer_fname) "lead_matching_phone_idx" gin (customer_phone) "lead_matching_reporting_date_idx" btree (reporting_date) WHERE reporting_date >= '2011-02-01'::date Foreign-key constraints: "fk_lead_matching_lead" FOREIGN KEY (lead_id) REFERENCES lead(id) ON DELETE CASCADE Triggers: _lms_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON lead_matching FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _lms.logtrigger('_lms', '80', 'k') Disabled triggers: _lms_denyaccess BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON lead_matching FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _lms.denyaccess('_lms') Table "public.lead_reporting_data" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------------+--------------------------+----------- lead_id | bigint | not null reporting_date | date | model | character varying(50) | dealer_code | character varying(32) | dealer_region | character varying(10) | dealer_area | character varying(10) | dealer_region_area | character varying(21) | customer_postal_code | character varying(6) | customer_fname | text | customer_lname | text | delivery_date | timestamp with time zone | oem_type | text | oem_subtype | text | typeflags | text[] | unique_all | boolean | not null unique_region | boolean | not null unique_area | boolean | not null unique_dealer | boolean | not null distance_to_dealer | double precision | delivery_meth | text | processing_state | character varying(20) | not null model_year | integer | Indexes: "lead_reporting_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lead_id), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_dealer_code_idx" btree (dealer_code), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_dealer_region_area_idx" btree (dealer_region_area), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_dealer_region_idx" btree (dealer_region), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_model_idx" btree (model), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_processing_state_idx" btree (processing_state) WHERE processing_state::text <> 'DONE'::text AND processing_state::text <> 'FORWARDED'::text AND processing_state::text <> 'USED_DONE'::text, tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_reporting_date_idx" btree (reporting_date), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_reporting_data_typeflags_idx" gin (typeflags), tablespace "lms_index" Foreign-key constraints: "fk_lead_reporting_data_lead" FOREIGN KEY (lead_id) REFERENCES lead(id) ON DELETE CASCADE Triggers: _lms_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON lead_reporting_data FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _lms.logtrigger('_lms', '25', 'k') set_lead_reporting_data_distance_to_dealer BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON lead_reporting_data FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_lead_reporting_data_distance_to_dealer() Disabled triggers: _lms_denyaccess BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON lead_reporting_data FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _lms.denyaccess('_lms') -- --- John L Cheng -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general