In PL/pgSQL, how does one generically access the fields of the OLD or NEW record? I've tried code such as this: 'NEW.' || quote_ident( myColumnNameVar ) || '::varchar' But when run by an "EXECUTE" command, I get errors such as: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "old" SQL state: 42P01 It seems that I cannot get PL/pgSQL to interpret the text of "NEW." + column name as text. My goal is to loop each field in a trigger, comparing the "OLD." & "NEW." values of each field. If different I want to log both values in a history/audit-trail table. Is there some way to loop the fields of a trigger's Record? I've read other people's frustration at not being able to get an array of fields from the Record. My approach is to fake it: Get the table's columns and data types by querying the meta-data tables (pg_attribute, pg_class, pg_type). But I cannot get "NEW." || colNameVar to be interpreted. Perhaps there is a better approach. If anyone is curious, my source code is pasted below. --Basil Bourque ------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "table_make_history_"() RETURNS "trigger" AS $BODY$ DECLARE metadata_record RECORD; /* */ table_dot_column VARCHAR; my_sql VARCHAR; column_is_loggable_var BOOLEAN; edited_var BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN -- Ignore this case ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN /* Get a list of column name, data type, and position with in table. attname = Name of column. atttypid = Data type of column (as an oid from pg_type.oid) */ FOR metadata_record IN SELECT attname::varchar AS "nth_col_name", pg_type.typname::varchar as "nth_col_type", pg_attribute.attnum FROM pg_attribute, pg_class, pg_type WHERE attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attisdropped = False AND relname = TG_TABLE_NAME AND attnum > 0 AND atttypid = pg_type.oid LOOP -- For each table in the table calling this trigger. -- Now "metadata_record" has one record from resultset of SELECT query above. --table_dot_column := TG_TABLE_NAME::VARCHAR || '.' || metadata_record.nth_col_name ; column_is_loggable_var := position( '_x_' in metadata_record.nth_col_name ) < 1 ; IF column_is_loggable_var THEN -- The name of column in question does NOT contain "_x_". So, proceed to possibly log modified data. -- See if the NEW-OLD values are different. edited_var := true; -- Next line fails. --EXECUTE 'edited_var := ( OLD.' || quote_ident(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || ' = NEW.' || quote_ident(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || ' );' ; PERFORM 'edited_var := ( OLD.' || quote_ident(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || ' <> NEW.' || quote_ident(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || ' );' ; IF edited_var THEN EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO history_ ( operation_, table_oid_, table_name_, uuid_, column_name_, old_value_, new_value_ ) ' || 'VALUES ( ' || quote_literal(TG_OP) || ', ' || TG_RELID || ', ' || quote_literal(TG_TABLE_NAME) || ', ' || quote_literal(OLD.pkey_) || '::uuid, ' || quote_literal(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || ', OLD.' || quote_ident(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || '::varchar' || ', NEW.' || quote_ident(metadata_record.nth_col_name) || '::varchar' || ' ); ' ; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN NEW; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN -- ignore this case END IF; RETURN NULL; /* Should never reach this point. Perhaps we should raise an error here. */ END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; -------------- -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: