Hi everybody, i’m having a very strange Problem: My JEE Application initially persists Users at startup. The problem is that the passwords are not stored, while other data with the same datatype on this table are stored correctly!?! If I turn log_statement to ‘all’ in config I can see the INSERT statement including the correct password(!!!) in log file, but if I take a look with pgAdmin all password fields are empty… When I try to execute the insert statement in pgAdmin it works fine. By the way: If I switch the DB to OracleXE, it works fine (But actually I don’t want to user Oracle… ) Thanks for any ideas Sebastian Altmann ________________________________ ISO Software Systeme GmbH Eichendorffstrasse 29 90491 Nürnberg Tel.: +49/(911) - 99594-0 Fax: +49/(911) - 99594-129 mailto:Sebastian.Altmann@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.isogmbh.de Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 18299 Geschäftsführer: Harald Goeb Sitz: Nürnberg |