I have a rankings table and it has 1302 rows in total. I am a bit confused by how postgres (8.2.11)Âcalculates the cardinality for this rankings table based on < predicates on gradrate attribute.
select histogram_bounds from pg_stats where attname = 'gradrate' and tablename = 'rankings'; histogram_bounds ------------------------------------ {8,33,40,46,55,61,69,75,81,90,118}
explain SELECT * FROM rankings WHERE gradrate < 11; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using gradrate_idx on rankings (cost=0.00..44.24 rows=11 width=196) Index Cond: (gradrate < 11::double precision) (2 rows)
explain select * from rankings where gradrate < 10;
                 ÂQUERY PLAN                 ÂÂ
ÂIndex Scan using gradrate_idx on rankings Â(cost=0.00..32.24Ârows=7Âwidth=196)
 ÂIndex Cond: (gradrate < 10::double precision)
(2 rows)
Following the formula outlined inÂhttp://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/row-estimation-examples.html
Both gradrate 10 and gradrate 11 would fall in the first bucket.
Shouldn't the row estimation be:
(11 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 =Â15.624
(10 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 =Â10.416
instead of 11 and 7?
Perhaps I am missing something. I'd appreciate if you can point it out. Thanks!
Reynold Xin