Hi: I have to constrain the chars used for table columns.
For example... create table foo (col1 text, col2 text, col3
text); ... where col1 has to be all uppercase, nothing but
[A-Z] col2 has to be all lowercase [a-z] plus
[0-9] is also allowed col3 can be mixed case plus [0-9] and sqr
brackets (but nothing else). I could put a check constraint on each/every table column,
but that seems complicated and potentially slow. I could do this check using the existing insert and update before
triggers, but then I'd have to loop through all the columns and decide one by
one how to check them. Again, slow and complicated. Is there a better way? Whatever I do, I'd have to be
able to capture violations to provide informative feedback to the users
through the perl script that'll actually be doing the insert/update. Thanks in Advance ! |