Hi: I'm going to be experimenting with streaming replication
using v9.0.1. Here are a few questions I have at the onset... 1) Is it possible to replicate one database out of many that
exist in the DB instance? Or do you have to replicate them all? 2) Is replication transaction based? That is to say, does
the act of replicating a transaction wait until the commit on the server side? 3) I will be replicating to a DB server 2 timezones away
initially, but perhaps from the US-> India at some future point. Is the PG
replication solution meant to do something like this (given sufficient
bandwidth of course)? 4) The slave DB instance will also be v9.0.1 on linux, but
it wil be a virtual machine. Do you see any problem with that? 5) Is there a step-by-step "how to" document for
this? Thanks in Advance ! |