I'm in the process of migrating a project from Oracle to Postgres and have run into a feature question. I know that Postgres has a full-text search feature, but it does not allow scanning the index (as opposed to the data). Specifically, in Oracle you can do "select * from table where contains(colname,'%part_of_word%')>1". While this isn't terribly efficient, it's much faster than full-scanning the raw data and is relatively quick.
It doesn't seem that Postgres works this way. Attempting to do this returns no rows: "select * from table where to_tsvector(colname) @@ to_tsquery('%part_of_word%')"
The reason I want to do this is that the partial word search does not involve dictionary words (it's scanning names).
Is this something Postgres can do? Or is there a different way to do scan the index?