archive_command = 'copy %p D:\\3SDATABACKUP\\PITR\\WAL\\%f'
and it work again.
But why old archive_command work from 01/01 to 05/01
archive_command = 'copy %p D:/3SDATABACKUP/PITR/WAL/%f'
Thank for your help
Tuan Hoang ANh
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Christian Ullrich <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
* tuanhoanganh wrote:[some procmon events]
Here is procmon i thinks error
No, that is all OK. The event at 2:39:55.7588651 is where Postgres starts cmd.exe to perform the copy. The really interesting data would be from cmd.exe itself, which implements the copy command.
Please send the events from cmd.exe for the ten seconds following that timestamp. If it is overly much, please send it to me directly.