16 января 2011 г. 18:11 пользователь Andy Colson <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> написал:
Oops. libpq, right in the subject... Jeez... sorry about that.On 01/16/2011 09:07 AM, Andy Colson wrote:
On 01/16/2011 08:13 AM, Вячеслав Блинников wrote:
Database returns information from "integer" and "biging" fields as
text (values represented as string which must be read via
atoi()/atol()) - is there a way to retrieve such data as binary? Will
not PostgreSQL suddenly start return information in binary format
(while I will continue read it as text)?
I assume you mean using libpq.
0) yes, you can get it as binary.
1) no, it wont switch.
2) you get to specify what format the server will return info, when you use PQexecParams().
See the paramFormats argument.
I assume you mean using libpq.