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plpythonu memory leak

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I am working with very large sets of time-series data.  Imagine a
table with a timestamp as the primary key.  One question I need to ask
of my data is: Are there gaps of time greater than some interval
between consecutive rows?

I wrote a function in plpgsql to answer this question and it worked
great.  Being a python zealot I decided to rewrite the function in
plpythonu to compare performance.  While initial comparisons seemed
inconclusive, after testing on large queries (over a million records)
I discovered ever-increasing time to complete the exact same query and
massive memory growth in my postgres process to the point of memory
starvation in under 15 queries.

I've reduced my my schema to one table with one timestamp column, one
type and two functions in a schema named plpythonu_bug and saved with:
`pg_dump -n plpythonu_bug -s -O > bug.sql`.  It is attached.

Here are some statistics on two separate psql sessions, one where I
ran this plpgsql function several times:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) from gaps('2008-01-01', 
                                          '2010-01-01', '1 min');

Then a second session running the exact same query but with the
plpythonu function, pygaps.  

   Note: I had over 273,000 rows in my table.  The function returned
   5103 rows each run.  Memory usage is from `top` output.
   Milliseconds, from output of explain analyze.  This is on an Ubuntu
   10.04 system w/ 2GB RAM, postgres 8.4.6, python 2.6.5.

           plpgsql function
Run #      Virt     Res        ms
before     101m     3500       n/a
1          103m     17m        584
2          104m     17m        561
3          104m     18m        579

...etc... (virtually no movement over several runs)

           plpythonu function
Run #      Virt     Res        ms
before     101m     3492       n/a
1          213m     122m       1836
2          339m     246m       1784
3          440m     346m       2178

...and so on, about 100m or so increase with each run such that in a
dozen or so runs I had 1.5g in resident memory and single calls to the
function taking over 45 seconds.

My schema is attached.

Thanks for any help and insight,

Dan Popowich

-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;

-- Name: plpythonu_bug; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: -

CREATE SCHEMA plpythonu_bug;

SET search_path = plpythonu_bug, pg_catalog;

-- Name: timerange; Type: TYPE; Schema: plpythonu_bug; Owner: -

CREATE TYPE timerange AS (
	begin_ts timestamp without time zone,
	end_ts timestamp without time zone

-- Name: gaps(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, interval); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: plpythonu_bug; Owner: -

CREATE FUNCTION gaps(start_ts timestamp without time zone, end_ts timestamp without time zone, gap_length interval) RETURNS SETOF timerange
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$

  prev timestamp;
  curr timestamp;
  tr   timerange;
  FOR curr IN SELECT ts FROM timeseries
                        WHERE ts BETWEEN start_ts AND end_ts
                        ORDER BY ts
     IF curr - prev > gap_length THEN
         tr.begin_ts := prev;
         tr.end_ts := curr;
         RETURN NEXT tr;
     END IF;
     prev := curr;

-- Name: pygaps(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, interval); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: plpythonu_bug; Owner: -

CREATE FUNCTION pygaps(start_ts timestamp without time zone, end_ts timestamp without time zone, gap_length interval) RETURNS SETOF timerange
    LANGUAGE plpythonu
    AS $$

    # because pg passes date/time to python as strings I'm using pg to
    # recompute values as seconds so I have numbers to do math

    gap = plpy.execute("select extract(epoch from '%s'::interval) as sec"
                       % gap_length)[0]['sec']

    results = plpy.execute("""select ts, extract(epoch from ts) as epoch
                              from timeseries
                              where ts between '%s' and '%s'"""
                           % (start_ts, end_ts))
    if results.nrows() < 2:

    # prime the well by setting prev(ious) to the first tic and
    # iterate starting with the second...
    prev = results[0]
    for curr in results[1:]:
        # yield timestamp pairs for gaps of timestamps greater than gap
        if curr['epoch'] - prev['epoch'] > gap:
            yield dict(begin_ts=prev['ts'], end_ts=curr['ts'])

        prev = curr



SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: timeseries; Type: TABLE; Schema: plpythonu_bug; Owner: -; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE timeseries (
    ts timestamp without time zone

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

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