That won't really help. The fundamental point here is that '1 day' is
not the same concept as '24 hours', because of DST changes; and the
interval type treats them as different.
If you don't care about that, you can use justify_hours (I think that's
the right function) to smash them to the same thing.
But I suspect the OP's real complaint would be better solved by use of
to_char() to produce an output format that includes zeroes instead of
dropping fields that are zero.
regards, tom lane
Hi Tom,
I don't understand how DST changes matter for a time interval or how that could even be factored into calculations. Could you elaborate on that? I had a query today that returned an interval of 70:23:06.935933. Wouldn't that be at least two days regardless of DST?
Thanks for shining the light on justify_hours, though. I did not know that function existed. That does give me a way to have consistent output for reporting.
Thanks to everyone who replied!