Hi: I'm trying to justify disk space for a new linux server
they're going to give me for my Postgres instance. When I do a
"du" of the place I installed the older instance on the system that
is to be replaced, I see that the vast, vast majorityof the space goes to the
contents of the "base" dir. In there are a bunch of files with
integers for names (iod's ?). And some of those have millions of files
inside. Is this normal? Should there be millions of files in some
of these "base" directories? Is this indicative of some sort of problem or lack of
cleanup that I should have been doing? The "du" shows that I'm using 196G (again, mostly
in "base") but pg_database_size shows something like 1/4 that amount,
around 50G. I'd like to know if there's something I'm supposed to be
doing to cleanup old (possibly deleted) data. Also, I was running pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('mydb'))
on all the dbs. It runs very fast for most, but just hangs for two of the
databases. Is this indicative of some sort of problem? (BTW, the 2
it hangs on are very much like others that it doesn't hang on, so I used those
numbers to estimate the 50G) Thanks in Advance. |