On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
it working on my comp
postgres=# select mystr, test_repl(mystr) replaced_strfrom str_table;
mystr | replaced_str
This road is INDEFLY CLSD | This road is indefinitely closedThat is INDEFLY open | That is indefinitely open
That is a CLSD road | That is a closed road
(3 rows)
I don't see a problem in your code, I am thinking so it's ok.
try to debug code with RAISE NOTICE statement
RAISE NOTICE 'lookup rec: %', a;
for a in select * from lookup
RAISE NOTICE 'ret_var before replace: %', ret_var;
ret_var := replace(ret_var,a.code,a.codeword);RAISE NOTICE 'ret_var after replace: %', ret_var;
end loop;you can ensure using just buildin "replace" function - use
return ret_var;
ret_var := pg_catalog.replace(...)
Pavel Stehule
maybe it can help to identify a problem
> Dear all -
> I am having trouble with replace function inside a function.
> If I do the same replace function outside it works fine, Following example
> clearly explains my problem. Can you please help?
> create table str_table
> ( mystr varchar(1000));
> insert into str_table values ( 'This road is INDEFLY CLSD');
> insert into str_table values('That is INDEFLY open');
> insert into str_table values('That is a CLSD road');
> select * from str_table;
> create table lookup
> ( code varchar(100),
> codeword varchar(100));
> insert into lookup values( 'INDEFLY','indefinitely');
> insert into lookup values( 'CLSD','closed');
> select 'This road is INDEFLY CLSD', test_repl('This road is INDEFLY CLSD
> INDEFLY') replaced_str
> from str_table;
> RESULT SET " This road is INDEFLY CLSD;This road is indefinitely closed
> Regards