On 16/10/2010 17:48, Alexander Farber wrote:
snake=> create table gps (
id varchar(32) primary key CONSTRAINT id_length char_length(id)=32,
stamp timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp,
pos point);
ERROR: syntax error at or near "char_length"
LINE 2: id varchar(32) primary key CONSTRAINT id_length char_length(...
snake=> create table gps (
id varchar(32) primary key CHECK id_length char_length(id)=32,
stamp timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp,
pos point);
ERROR: syntax error at or near "id_length"
LINE 2: id varchar(32) primary key CHECK id_length char_length(id)=3...
snake=> create table gps (
id varchar(32) primary key CHECK char_length(id)=32,
stamp timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp,
pos point);
ERROR: syntax error at or near "char_length"
LINE 2: id varchar(32) primary key CHECK char_length(id)=32,
Sorry, any ideas? (I know it's a stupid question)
None of those correspond to what I suggested! :-)
Here is is again:
... CONSTRAINT length_check CHECK char_length(id) = 32, ...
Note the keywords "constraint" and "check" both present. Not that I'm
saying I'm correct - I'm going on memory.... If in doubt consult the
docs under "create table".
Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland
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