Yeah - I agree with you.
That needs to be changed.
But, I see scope of the improvement in the script, you shared.
That is - what if the service never started, then it will never return from the script.
We will do the required changes, Thanks for your inputs.
Thanks & Regards,
Ashesh Vashi
EnterpriseDB INDIA: Enterprise Postgres Company
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Igor Neyman <ineyman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This message is CCed to Dave Page, because his name is found in startserver.vbs script discussed later.I think there is a (minor?) problem with 8.4.5 Windows installer from EnterpriseDB (probably othere releases as well - didn't check).Here is an abstract from the "tail" of my installation log file:/*********************************************************/Starting the database server...
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\VectorDB\installer\server\startserver.vbs" PostgreSQL
Script exit code: 0Script output:
Starting PostgreSQL
Service PostgreSQL started successfully
startserver.vbs ran to completionScript stderr:
Loading additional SQL modules...
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\VectorDB\installer\server\loadmodules.vbs" "postgres" "****" "C:\VectorDB" "C:\VectorDB\data" 5432 "1"
Script exit code: 2Script output:
Installing pl/pgsql in the template1 databases...
Start DoCmd("C:\VectorDB\bin\psql.exe" -p 5432 -U postgres -c "CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql;" template1)...
Executing 'C:\Users\vmwin7\AppData\Local\Temp\rad87CE4.bat'...
psql: FATAL: the database system is starting upEnd DoCmd()
Failed to install pl/pgsql in the 'template1' database
Installing the adminpack module in the postgres database...
Start DoCmd("C:\VectorDB\bin\psql.exe" -p 5432 -U postgres -f "C:\VectorDB\share\contrib\adminpack.sql" postgres)...
Executing 'C:\Users\vmwin7\AppData\Local\Temp\rad87CE4.bat'...
psql: FATAL: the database system is starting upEnd DoCmd()
Failed to install the 'adminpack' module in the 'postgres' database
loadmodules.vbs ran to completionScript stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
/*********************************************************/According to this code in startserver.vbs:/**********************/' Find the service
Set objService = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strServiceName & "'")' Start it (them)
If objService.State <> "Running" Then
WScript.Echo "Starting " & objService.Name
iRetval = objService.StartService()
If iRetval = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " started successfully"
WScript.Echo "Failed to start the database server (" & iRetVal & ")"
WScript.Quit 1
End If
WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " is already running"
End If
/**********************/here is what happened on my system:1. startserver.vbs sends a signal to Postgresql service to start: "iRetval = objService.StartService()"2. Postgres accepted the signal and set iRetval = 0, but didn't start yet (admittedely machine was busy doing something else at the same time)3. _vbscript_ assumes that service is started (without actually checking it's status) and proceeds trying to connect to PG (while running next installation _vbscript_ - loadmodules.vbs, according to installation log).I realize it's a rare situation when machine will be busy with something else while installing Postgres.But, it still can happen, and "stricter" code could avoid this problem:6/**********************/' Find the service
Set objService = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strServiceName & "'")' Start it (them)
If objService.State <> "Running" Then
WScript.Echo "Starting " & objService.Name
iRetval = objService.StartService()
If iRetval = 0 Then
Do Until objService.State = "Running"
WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " started successfully"
WScript.Echo "Failed to start the database server (" & iRetVal & ")"
WScript.Quit 1
End If
WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " is already running"
End If
/**********************/If it really waits for service to start, checking it's status in a loop.Same status check probably needed earlier in the script, where it's trying to start dependencies services.oh, and I have to admit that I have zero _vbscript_ing experience, so please correct me if my code modification is wrong.Regards,Igor Neyman