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Re: postgres.conf settings

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Thanks Martijn and to the others who replied. Here's some more detail...

Quoting Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@xxxxxxxxx>:

Not a bad start, but to be sure you really need to provide a bit more
info, like:

- How many simultaneous clients you're expecting?
- Lots of updates, or is it read only?
- Lots of simple queries, or fewer but more complex queries?

Basically, what's the workload?

About the workload, I'll try to be a bit more specific:

- Number of clients: I am the only person using my database. Usually I run one or two queries at the same time but I can have more sessions open at the same time (but typically <10). Hence I set max_connections = 20.
- INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries are rare.

- However, I use a lot of CREATE [TEMP] TABLE, CREATE INDEX

- Also frequent is the use of COPY TO/FROM to import/export datafiles that will be handled by other applications (R, Python etc.)
- SELECT queries: usually simple in design but handling large datasets  
which require JOIN and GROUP BY (e.g. "SELECT a, b FROM t1 INNER JOIN  
t2 ON t1.c = t2.c ORDER BY a;" where t1 and t2 could have millions of  
- Background information: I'm a geneticist/bioinformatician using  
postgresql to manage the data I or others produce. I'm not a proper  
database programmer who run a web server.
Many thanks for all and any feedback!



Dr. Dario Beraldi
Institute of Evolutionary Biology
University of Edinburgh
West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JT
Scotland, UK

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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