On 22 Jul 2010, at 12:57, Geoffrey wrote: For completeness, the earthdistance module also provides the distance between two lat/longs, the point<@>point syntax is simple to use:http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/earthdistance.html I constructed mine using point(longitude, latitude), where long and lat are double precision, which returns a datatype of type point. ll_to_earth() looks like it returns a datatype of type earth, so not sure if it will work. Maybe things have changed in a recent release, please let me know if so. So an example would be select point(-2.2171,56.8952)<@>point(-1.2833,51.6667) as miles; miles ------------------ 363.202864676916 (1 row) Regards Oliver Kohll oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / +44(0)7814 828608 / skype:okohll www.agilebase.co.uk - software |