Thanks for the reply.
In the application there are two kinds of UPDATES to this table.
update aau_utilizadores
set group_id = 3
where email = pEMAIL;
update aau_utilizadores
set password = 3
where id = pNEWPASSWORD;
If I use the clause WHERE only in "id" will not work fot both cases, or will work?
Best Regards,
On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Sam Mason <sam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 12:28:35PM +0100, Andre Lopes wrote:
> Ok, I have done the UPDATE RULE like this and works!
> whereI'm pretty sure you just want to be using the id column above. Using an
> (id = or username = OLD.username or email =
OR _expression_ as you're doing could have some strange side effects.
You may also want to consider a UNIQUE constraint on the username (and
maybe email) fields as well, especially as you've said they should be
able to be used to uniquely determine a user.
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