On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Francisco Figueiredo Jr. <francisco@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would go with 2).
Npgsql supports multiple resultsets. You can pass a query separated by
semicolon ';' or you can use a procedure call which return a setof
On both ways, you will need to call NextResult in your Datareader just
like with SQLServer.
You can check our user manual: http://manual.npgsql.org to get more
info about how to use refcursors
I hope it helps.
Please, let me know if you need more info.
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 16:44, Szymon Guz <mabewlun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2010/6/16 Mike Christensen <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> I'm generating a query on the fly to return a set of data, however I
>> only want to display 30 rows at a time to the user. For this reason,
>> I use the LIMIT 30 OFFSET x clause on the select statement. However,
>> I also want to know the total rows that match this query had there
>> been no limit, that way I can display to the user the total count and
>> the number of pages, and have Next/Prev buttons in my UI. I can think
>> of the following ways to do this:
>> 1) When the page loads, execute two totally separate queries. One
>> that does the COUNT, and then another query immediately after to get
>> the desired page of data. I don't like this as much because the two
>> queries will execute in separate transactions and it'd be nice if I
>> could just perform a single SQL query and get all this information at
>> once. However, I will use this if there's no other way.
> Just run them in one transaction.
> You can also just show the Next/Prev buttons and then do something just for
> the case where there is no data.
> Or use LIMIT 31 so you always know that there is the next page with at least
> one record.
> regards
> Szymon Guz
Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
Npgsql Lead Developer
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