Good day all I have posted a query on the Postgresql novice mailing
list, however I think it might be more suitable here. Please see my request and information below:
I am looking for some more suggestions here on ways to use variables in sql
scripts to be run on postgresql
We have some Sybase reports that needs to be run against a postgresql database
using sql scripts.
For Sybase they set variables using the declare command for instance :
Declare id int (just an example, not sure about the syntax)
Then they refer to this same variable many times in more than one query within
this script.
>From what I understand, the guys have a problem due to these variable
declarations not working. They did some investigations and they stated that
they found the possibility of using temporary tables to put the variables in,
however the temp table is only valid for the first transaction so they are
unable to use the variable a second time.
I did some googling as well and found something I tested using a simple method: -
I created an sql script to set the
variable Name DB o
\set DB <dbname> o
\c :DB -
I connected to postgresql using
the postgres database and ran the sql script which seemed to work fine as it
then connected me to the database. However will this method work
with the above situation as well or are there other ways of doing this?
In addition to the information below relating to my query, maybe this will help
a bit more in providing the correct answers:
This is the information received from the guys who are currently struggling
with the reports, however I do not have enough postgresql experience to assist. herewith an example of the
situation I explained to you earlier. declare @clientID int declare @dateFrom date declare @dateTo date declare @shipmentNumber
varchar(50) select @clientID = ?,
@dateFrom = ?, @dateTo = ?, @shipmentNumber = ? select s.ID as shipmentID,
s.number as shipmentNumber, s.reference as shipmentReference, s.shippingMode as
shipmentShippingMode, pol.description as portOfLoading, pod.description as
portOfDocking, as division, as saleCustomer, i.incoterm as incoterm, c.ID
as consignmentID, c.number as consignmentNumber, c.refNo as
consignmentReference, c.shippingMode as consignmentShippingMode, o.ID as
orderID, o.number as orderNumber,
o.purchaseOrderReference as orderReference, ili.invoiceID as invoiceID, ili.ID as invoiceItemID, oli.ID
as orderItemID, ili.itemReference as itemReference, ci.supplierReference as
articleNumber, ili.itemDescription as description, ili.unitQuantity as unitQty from Shipment s,
PortPlaceOfLoading pol, PortPlaceOfDocking pod, Invoice i, InvoiceLineItem ili,
CatalogueItem ci, LineItem oli, Orders o, Division d, SaleCustomer sc, Consignment
c where s.clientID = @clientID and s.costed = 1 and s.number like
@shipmentNumber and s.costedDate >=
@dateFrom and s.costedDate <=
@dateTo and =
s.portOfLoadingID and =
s.portOfDockingID and i.shipmentID = s.ID and ili.invoiceID = i.ID and =
ili.catalogueItemID and oli.ID = ili.lineItemID and o.ID = oli.orderID and d.ID = o.divisionID and sc.ID = o.saleCustomerID and = o.consignmentID and c.shippingMode !=
s.shippingMode order by s.number, c.number,
o.number, ili.itemReference This is an example of a
sybase query with variables declared within the sybase sql language. A second
query may also be executed within the same session for example: declare @clientID int declare @dateFrom date declare @dateTo date select @clientID = ?,
@dateFrom = ?, @dateTo = ? select printDate =
convert(varchar, getDate(), 111), dateRange = convert(varchar, @dateFrom, 111)
+' to ' + convert(varhar, @dateto, 111) from Client c where c.ID = @clientID Also note that there is no
guarantee that all queries will have the same variables. The task that I'm facing with
is to get a postgres equivalent query. As far as functions go for example
convert(varchar,...,111) etc, I'm able to write postgres equivalents but the
declaration of variables is where I'm falling short. A possible solutions I've
investigated so far though not the prefered nor optimised is to create a
temporary table with all variables used for this report and then just use the
relevant ones in the query. Another solution would be to make use of prepared
statements. Do you have any other
solutions we can investigate? Any help would be
appreciated. Regards Machiel |