Magnus Hagander, 07.06.2010 16:15:
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 15:58, Thomas Kellerer<spam_eater@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Magnus Hagander, 07.06.2010 15:52:
Some AV software probably behaves fine.
In case anyone is interested:
I have two development computers that run Postgres on Windows XP.
One with Avira the other with Sophos.
Neither has or had any problems installing or running Postgres
What kind of load do the systems have? Particularly, how many
parallell connections? That seems to push things over the edge more
often than high transaction single-user ones.
Ah, that might make the difference:
I have no real load on those computers (as I said, developer machine)
So it's more a single-user type of load
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