That's funny... We're spam but he requested and validated the email
address to receive the list emails.
On 06/02/2010 03:37 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
hmmm. the listadmin may wanna poke this guy for using lame
whitelisting. sadly, the headers give no clue who the recipient was,
other than th domain
-------- Original Message --------
From - Wed Jun 02 14:34:16 2010
Return-Path: <pgsql-general-owner+M163694@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Received: from (
by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id o52LW2n26519
for <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; Wed, 2 Jun 2010 14:32:03 -0700
Received: (qmail 26496 invoked from network); 2 Jun 2010 21:31:56 -0000
Message-ID: <20100602213156.26494.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu Jun 3 07:31:56 EST 2010
From: postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Put me on your white list
I'm sorry, but your mail:
Subject: Re: Exception while accessing database
was considered possible spam and was quarantined.
If you are a real mailer, simply hit "Reply" to this message and send
it without changing the Subject, and you will be put on the Pricom white
Sorry for any inconvenience caused but this measure is necessary to
combat the flood of unsolicited email.
Srejector: 20100603.073156
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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