hi ! I have running postgres 8.3.1 and a dump file from postgers 7.2 :-P , but when i tried to restore the dump i have the next message: (by the way i made the dump file using pg_dump of postgresql 8.3) CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER "valida_ent_a_sal" AFTER DELETE ON "ent_a" INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_noaction_del" ('valida_ent_a_sal', 'sal_d', 'ent_a', 'FULL', 'tagname_ed', 'tagname_ea'); psql:lostriggers:10: NOTICE: ignoring incomplete trigger group for constraint "valida_ent_a_sal" FOREIGN KEY sal_d(tagname_ed) REFERENCES ent_a(tagname_ea) DETAIL: Found referenced table's DELETE trigger. CREATE TRIGGER and this: CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER "<unnamed>" AFTER UPDATE ON "scenes" FROM "scenes_sub" INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" ('<unnamed>', 'scenes_sub', 'scenes', 'UNSPECIFIED', 'scene', 'scene', 'tag', 'tag'); psql:lostriggers:965: NOTICE: ignoring incomplete trigger group for constraint "<unnamed>" FOREIGN KEY scenes_sub(scene,tag) REFERENCES scenes(scene,tag) DETAIL: Found referenced table's UPDATE trigger. CREATE TRIGGER why some triggers are unnamed??? Which is the best way to solve this???? searching on google found that i must create foreign keys, but i don't know if is enough with the creation of the foreign key or if i must create the foreign key and the constraint too. there is an 'automagic' way to convert a constraint into a foreign key ;-) thanks! |