Thanks for the reply.
The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new
How can I do this. I'am thinking to use a PHP Script?
Best Regards,
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:35 PM, A B <gentosaker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I generate e-mail messages to a database table and then with a CronJob IIf N is the number of mails you can send per cronjob in 10 minutes,
> sent the e-mails.
> My doubt is... The CronJob runs every 10 minutes, but If I have 100.000
> e-mails to send the script will not be able to send all the 100.000 e-mails
> in 10 minutes.
> How can I deal with this problem? There is no problem to have multiple
> CronJobs runing in background?
then run 100 000/N cron jobs.
You will be very happy if you also add som kind of "sleep" (for a
growing number of seconds) to the cronjobs when there are currently no
more mails to send. Otherwise you will end up with a very annoying CPU
The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new
That ought to do the trick.