Hi, I have granted ALL permissions on 'techtable' to 'user1'.
techdb=# select pc.relname, pc.relacl from pg_class pc, pg_namespace pn where pc.relnamespace=pn.oid and pn.nspname='techdb' and pc.relname='techtable';
relname | relacl
techtable | {postgres=arwdDxt/postgres,=ar/postgres,user1=arwdDxt/postgres}
(1 row)
relname | relacl
techtable | {postgres=arwdDxt/postgres,=ar/postgres,user1=arwdDxt/postgres}
(1 row)
Could anyone please tell me if there is any function or command in PostGreSql which returns True if given user has ALL permissions on given table? Is there any alternative way to do this. I have table and user names and want to know whether user has ALL permissions on table or not.