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Re: "1-Click" installer problems

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I have tried earlier versions of 8.4 installer on Vista x32 and they'd failed too. But let me try the latest installer again. I will let you know.

On 06-04-2010 10:09, Craig Ringer wrote:
Nikhil G. Daddikar wrote:
  Hi Craig,

I have a call with EDB folks in an hour. I will post when I have
something concrete. Meanwhile, if you need anything specific about the
system, please let me know.

I have Vista Business x64
Hmm. Your setup is the same as mine except that all the hosts I've
tested on are 32-bit installs. Interesting.

Unfortunately our friends at Microsoft don't let you simply re-install a
64-bit version, you have to go and buy the OS all over again at absurd
retail prices. I don't have an MSDN subscription at work. So I can't
personally test with x64 versions.

That's certainly something to start looking at, though. I'm sure that if
it was as simple as "the installer is broken on x64" it would've turned
up by now, but perhaps there's something else that only causes a problem
when installs are run on x64 hosts. Something to do with pathname
rewriting - Program Files (x86) for example?

Craig Ringer

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