What is middleware?
Is it similar to stored procedure? That what I have been doing. I have revoked all permissions from mydb schema from public and have SECURITY DEFINER enable for stored procedure to allow creating/droping/altering tables.
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:19 PM, John R Pierce <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
dipti shah wrote:may be you should use middleware instead and not let your users connect directly to SQL at all.
I don't want users to create/drop/alter anything directly. They have to use stored procedure for everything. The stored procedure creates logging tables and stores many other auditing information so it is madatory to prevent users from running any direct commands.
so, any DDL changes, you'd call the middleware server, it would authenticate the user, decide whats allowed, maintain your audit trail, logging, etc. ditto, any operations that require database queries, etc, would all be done by this middleware.