Thanks a lot you and Tino for nice reply. Could you guys tell me how could I verify whether those languages are installed on my PostGreSQL server?
Thanks for being there,
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have never heard of "unsecure" languages - what exactly do you mean?dipti shah wrote:
> Could anyone please tell me what is unsecure postgres
> languages(like C, pgperl, pgpython??). How to disable them or
> restrict them only for super user?
If you mean "untrusted" languages like PL/PerlU, they are not
installed by default *and* they are restricted to superusers.
You cannot disable C functions, but to define them you must also
have superuser privileges.
Laurenz Albe