>>> vacuum should clean
out the dead tuples, then cluster on any large tables that are bloated will sort
them out without needing too much temporary
Yes ok am running a vacuum full on a large
table (150GB) and will cluster the spatial data by zip code then. Understand
that should get rid of any dead records and reclaim hard disk space then.
The system I'm running it on is a 1.7 GB RAM Ubuntu jaunty
machine, PostgreSQL 8.3.8.
I was hesitant to do any of
this (vacuum, cluster, or dump and restore) because it might run days
or weeks (hopefully not). Here are some of my PostgreSQL.conf settings in
case this is not optimal and someone has a
shared_buffers=160MB, effective_cache_size=1GB,
maintenance_work_mem=500MB, wal_buffers=16MB,
Also I just set-up a new server (mirror of the
other one I need to clean out) specifically for the purpose of running a
database dump with enough storage space 2TB...So that is no issue right
I really need to find out what is wrong
with my procedure dumping the whole database as I never succeed yet to dump and
restore such a bid db...
That will not be the least time I will have to
do something similar.
Here is what I tried ("test" database is 350GB
in size)
1. pg_dump -U postgres -Fc test >
This gave me a dump of about 4GB in size (too
smal in size even if its compressed ?) after running 5 hours (not bad I
thought). But when I tried to restore it using pg_retore to another database (in
a different table space)I got an error like "not an valid archive file" or
something like that
So I was wondering if 4GB is a problem in Ubuntu
OS ?
Thus I tried to split it during the dump
2. pg_dump -U postgres -Fc test | split -b 1000m
- /ebsclean/testdb.dump
This gave me 5 files with a total combined size
of about 4GB . But when I tried to restore it got the same error as
This dump and restore procedure should be
the fastest (in respect to vacuum and/or cluster) from what I collected in an
IRC session with some gurus some weeks ago.
Main question now is why is my dump /restore not
working what am I doing wrong ?
From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pavel Stehule
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 23:30
To: karsten vennemann
Cc: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: dump of 700 GB database
2010/2/10 karsten vennemann <karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
I have to write a 700 GB large database to a dump to clean out a lot of dead records on an Ubuntu server with postgres 8.3.8. What is the proper procedure to succeed with this - last time the dump stopped at 3.8 GB size I guess. Should I combine the -Fc option of pg_dump and and the split command ?
I thought something like "pg_dump -Fc test | split -b 1000m - testdb.dump"might work ?Karsten
vacuum full doesn't work?
Pavel Stehule
Seattle, WA, USA