Pavel Stehule claviota:
But what I would like to do is to redirect the output of the function (that
is, the 'result' cursor) to a view, which will be used in other places. I
thought something like FETCH INTO would do the trick, but it doesn't.
Also, I need, at some point, to export the output to some CSV file. I
usually do a quick bash script as follows:
echo "COPY (SELECT * FROM dh_litho ORDER BY id, depto) TO stdout WITH CSV
HEADER;" | psql bdexplo > somefile.csv
hmm cannot work :(. You cannot forward FETCH ALL statement on
server side - without programming in C
Ach! Too bad... Oh but... I used to program in C, long time ago, on HP-UX...
in this case you need small application for reading cursor and
transformation to CVS
Actually, if the small application was reading cursor, and transforming
it to a VIEW, this would solve both problems at once:
something like:
CREATE VIEW crosstabbed_thing AS
(cursor_to_dataset(SELECT do_cross_cursor(...)));
And then:
echo "COPY (SELECT * FROM crosstabbed_thing) TO stdout WITH CSV HEADER;"
| psql > youpi.csv
And there we are!
What about this plan? The cursor_to_dataset() should be written, in C if
I understand well.
I have to dig out my old C book, and browse through postgresql APIs,
code examples,etc. I guess...
Pierre Chevalier
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