Hi all,
I have a deja vu or I had this very problem before.
Now I use 8.4.2 and it happened again.
After dropping a column from table, there is still entry in pg_attribute
filip@la_dev=# select * from pg_attribute where attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname='thetable') order by attnum desc limit 1;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+------------------------------
attrelid | 4753849
attname | ........pg.dropped.69........
atttypid | 0
attstattarget | 0
attlen | 1
attnum | 69
attndims | 0
attcacheoff | -1
atttypmod | -1
attbyval | t
attstorage | p
attalign | c
attnotnull | f
atthasdef | f
attisdropped | t
attislocal | t
attinhcount | 0
attacl | <NULL>
And of course this makes my INSERT not working...
INSERT INTO thetable ( ... ) VALUES ( ... );
ERROR: table row type and query-specified row type do not match
DETAIL: Physical storage mismatch on dropped attribute at ordinal position 69.
Any clues / hint how to NEVER get into this again?
Filip Rembiałkowski