Thanks for pointing out the reporting bug information about my problem. I have tried your suggestion and it works great. But this approach can only solve one part of my problem, because I also need to open an existing db table through Clac, edit some tuples, and then save it as a new table. For this case, I can not convert my original "date" data to text (because it will become an integer after converting as you mentioned). Thanks again.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Adrian Klaver <aklaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Once the column is formatted as "Date" the underlying value will be the integer value. I did a little test and found the following. If I preformatted a column as "Text" and then entered date strings for example "12/01/09" it stayed a string when cut and pasted. If I just started entering a date string in a column the column would become a "Date" column. Changing the formatting to "Text" would change the date strings "12/01/09" to the underlying integer 40147. Any new date strings entered however would stay as "12/01/09". Hope this helps.
----- "Le-shin Wu" <leshin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> Thanks for your information. I think your suggestion will be my last
> approach, if I really can not find a way to solve my problem.
> Actually, I tried to format the cells type (the "date" column in my
> sheet) in Calc as "Date" before I copy and past, but somehow it works
> for only once. This also confused me. Thanks again.
> LW