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Re: vacuumdb -z do a reindex?

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Hi Scott,

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Irene Barg <ibarg@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Irene Barg <ibarg@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I've had a simple update running for over 4 hours now (see results from
>>> pg_top below). The sql is:
>> Have you looked in pg_locks and pg_stat_activity?

By the time I saw your last post, the 'update' had finished, but it took 8 hours. I loaded a dump of the same database on our test system, then ran the same 'update' statement. Below is all of the stats plus a few others. The test system is 2xAMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+, 6GB RAM, 2xSATA drives.

##### pg_locks #####
metadata=# select * from pg_locks;
locktype | database | relation | page | tuple | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | transaction | pid | mode | granted ---------------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------+---------+-------+----------+-------------+-------+------------------+---------
 transactionid |          |          |      |       |        841483 |         |       |          |      841483 | 12742 | ExclusiveLock    | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21849 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowShareLock     | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22086 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22054 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21847 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22064 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22088 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22090 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22134 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21873 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    10328 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841483 | 12742 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22092 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22094 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22136 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22062 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 transactionid |          |          |      |       |        841478 |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | ExclusiveLock    | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21851 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowExclusiveLock | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22066 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21892 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21892 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowExclusiveLock | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22050 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21915 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22056 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowExclusiveLock | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21837 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22048 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22135 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22060 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22058 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowExclusiveLock | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22070 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowExclusiveLock | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21890 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22072 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    21840 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22138 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22137 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | AccessShareLock  | t
 relation      |    21800 |    22068 |      |       |               |         |       |          |      841478 | 12753 | RowExclusiveLock | t
(35 rows)

##### pg_stat_activity #####
metadata=# select * from pg_stat_activity;
datid | datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | current_query | waiting | query_start | backend_start | client_addr | client_port -------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+-------------
 21800 | metadata |   12742 |    19472 | arcsoft      | select * from pg_stat_activity;                                                                                                      | f       | 2009-11-29 03:55:59.918524-07 | 2009-11-29 03:52:40.954479-07 |               |          -1
 21800 | metadata |   12753 |    19472 | arcsoft      | update edu_noao_nsa_security.user_credentials set distinguished_name = 'kelson@xxxxxxxxx', status = 4 where credential_id = 1540815; | f       | 2009-11-29 03:54:23.823678-07 | 2009-11-29 03:54:23.818717-07 | |       37863
 21800 | metadata |   12610 |    17193 | system_admin | <IDLE>                                                                                                                               | f       | 2009-11-29 03:53:46.120621-07 | 2009-11-29 03:43:44.954155-07 |  |       34038
 21800 | metadata |   12611 |    17193 | system_admin | <IDLE>                                                                                                                               | f       | 2009-11-29 03:43:46.81295-07  | 2009-11-29 03:43:46.807336-07 |  |       38141
(4 rows)

##### vmstat #####
-bash-3.2$ vmstat 10
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu------
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 1  0    148  38504 118212 5419140    0    0     1    11    5    4  1  0 99  0  0
 1  0    148  38504 118240 5419288    0    0     1    19 1025  188 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  38504 118264 5419320    0    0     0    21 1025  186 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  38504 118276 5419376    0    0     0     4 1024  189 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  38372 118308 5419424    0    0     0    25 1032  199 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  38372 118320 5419488    0    0     0    12 1024  184 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  38248 118372 5419568    0    0     0    18 1025  189 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  37876 118408 5419944    0    0     0    20 1025  188 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  37876 118420 5419968    0    0     0     7 1024  184 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  37876 118444 5420036    0    0     0    19 1025  189 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  36644 118480 5420100    0    0     0    20 1028  206 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0    148  36768 118504 5420140    0    0     0     5 1025  188 50  0 50  0  0

##### iostat #####
-bash-3.2$ iostat -x 10
Linux 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5 ( 	11/29/2009

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           0.71    0.00    0.26    0.03    0.00   99.00

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda               0.01     4.34  0.05  1.25     3.47    44.72    37.18     0.03   20.12   0.66   0.09
sdb               0.00     0.00  0.00  0.00     0.00     0.00    14.08     0.00    2.77   2.36   0.00

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          50.20    0.00    0.05    0.05    0.00   49.70

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda               0.00     2.50  0.00  2.70     0.00    41.60    15.41     0.00    1.41   0.74   0.20
sdb               0.00     0.00  0.00  0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          49.95    0.00    0.10    0.00    0.00   49.95

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda               0.00     1.90  0.00  1.90     0.00    30.40    16.00     0.00    0.74   0.21   0.04
sdb               0.00     0.00  0.00  0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00

###### pgstat ######
-bash-3.2$ pgstat -d metadata -u arcsoft -p Royrkval
time                     commits     rollbks      blksrd     blkshit      bkends     seqscan     seqtprd      idxscn      idxtrd         ins         upd         del       locks         hit        load      active
29-11-2009.04:03:38          18           1           0           0           4          35        2891           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          40           1
29-11-2009.04:03:48           6           0           0           0           4           7           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          40           1
29-11-2009.04:03:58           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          40           1
29-11-2009.04:04:08           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          40           1
29-11-2009.04:04:18           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          41           1
29-11-2009.04:04:28           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          41           1
29-11-2009.04:04:38           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          41           1
29-11-2009.04:04:48           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          41           1
29-11-2009.04:04:58           3           0           0           0           4           7        2891           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          41           1
29-11-2009.04:05:08           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          41           1
29-11-2009.04:05:18           1           0           0           0           4           0           0           0           0           0           0           0          54       100.0          42           1

#### pg_top ####
last pid: 14085;  load avg:  1.00,  1.00,  0.82;       up 39+15:57:38                                                                                                               04:20:20
3 processes: 2 running, 1 sleeping
CPU states: 50.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.1% system, 49.9% idle,  0.0% iowait
Memory: 5886M used, 77M free, 130M buffers, 5233M cached
Swap: 148K used, 4095M free

12753 postgres  25    0 1508M  218M run    25:54 17.37% 99.91% postgres: arcsoft metadata UPDATE
12610 postgres  15    0 1507M 6512K sleep   0:00  0.00%  0.00% postgres: system_admin metadata idle
14086 postgres 17 0 1505M 4288K run 0:00 0.00% 0.00% postgres: postgres metadata [local] idle

Irene Barg                    Email:  ibarg@xxxxxxxx
NOAO/AURA Inc.       
950 N. Cherry Ave.            Voice:  520-318-8273
Tucson, AZ  85726 USA           FAX:  520-318-8360

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