2009/11/22 Aaron Burnett <aburnett@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
this is how I do it if this helps:
column_name timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) without time zone
Hi Aaron. Thanks for the reply, but that would only insert the current date upon insertion into the table, not when the row is updated.
For example
CREATE TABLE timetest(
stuff text,
stamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
INSERT INTO timetest (stuff) VALUES ('meow');
The table would contain:
id | stuff | stamp
1 | meow | 2009-11-22 20:04:51.261739
But then I'd execute:
UPDATE timetest SET stuff = 'bark' WHERE id = 1;
id | stuff | stamp
1 | bark | 2009-11-22 20:04:51.261739
You can see the time hasn't changed. But I'd want that stamp column to update to the current time without referring to that column in the update statement.