select * from (
select userid, data - lag(data) over (partition by userid order by data) diff
from foo) q
where diff is not null;
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:40 PM, A B <gentosaker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello there!
I have a table foo( userid integer, data integer); with the
constraint unique(userid,data)
Now I wish to select one userid and calculate the differences between
the data -values (when they are sorted) .
For example
if the table contains:
4, 100
5, 200
5, 210
5, 231
I want the values
what should happen to the 4,100 record you may ask, I will try to
exclude that case by requireing each userid to have at least two data
The question is now: is there a clever and efficient way of
calculating these differences in data values?
The only thing I can think of is picking a data value and
select min(data) from foo where userid=5 and data>200
and then calculate the difference and do what I want with it, and the
repeat this process with the last selected data value.
I guess that will work, but I'm curious, are there other ways?
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