Hi everyone, I am currently working on an app that is split into several databases with the same table but a column with differing data type. eg. Database 1 tablename: gp column: available - data type boolean Database 2 tablename: gp column: available - data type character(1) I would like to be able to create a query that returns 'T' or 'F' using the same code & query. I have tried a few different cast() options without success - and then tried: SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'gp' and column_name = 'available') = 'boolean') THEN CASE WHEN (available) THEN 'T' ELSE 'F' END ELSE CASE WHEN (available='T' OR available='t') then 'T' ELSE 'F' END END as available FROM gp When I run this query on the boolean data type database it works correctly - however on the character field I get the error 'ERROR: argument of CASE/WHEN must be type boolean, not type character' I really don't want to go through and change data types just at the moment - can anyone advise any way around this? Many thanks, Gus |