I have a serial autoincrement column called "idmember" in my main table (members). This serial column is a key to a second table. A row in "members" table corresponds to many rows in the second table.
My question is: is this the best practice?
Here's an example in Python: conn=psycopg.connect(dbconnstr) c=conn.cursor() # LOOP BEGINS HERE... Cmd = "INSERT INTO members ... VALUES (...);" c.execute(Cmd, Data) Cmd = "SELECT currval('members_idmember_seq') FROM members LIMIT 1;"
A simple "SELECT currval('members_idmember_seq');" will do it. The sequence isn't part of the table.
c.execute(Cmd) idmember = c.fetchone()[0] Cmd = "INSERT INTO msg (idmember,txt) VALUES (%s,%s);"
Alternatively, you could rewrite this query:
"INSERT INO msg (idmember,txt) VALUES (currval('members_idmember_seq'), %s);"
-- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd
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